I would like to share two important deadlines for all Democrats interested in running as district delegates in the 2020 Presidential Primary. Interested candidates must submit their “Statement of Candidacy” and “Pledge of Support” forms by March 9th, and file their nominating petitions by March 30th.

If you or someone you know is interested in running for a delegate position, please visit the Delegate Selection Plan page to view all of the necessary forms and access the NJDSC’s Delegate Selection Plan!

Delegate responsibilities include attending the Milwaukee Democratic National Convention in July to represent NJDSC and play a role in electing the Democratic nominee who will replace President Trump come November.

The stakes could not be higher. We hope to have a strong and diverse group of delegates representing New Jersey in July, and we are committed to running an open and transparent delegate selection process.

We encourage any fellow Democrat interested in running for delegate slots to participate. We can’t wait to work with you to bring our Democratic values back to the White House!


Thank you,

Chairman John Currie