When February 25, 2024 at 2:00pm 2 hrs
Contact Dorothy Dawood [email protected] 908-391-5812

IF you are NOT a voting delegate - DO NOT register here.  Register as a visitor here. 

NJ Senate Candidates


Congressional Candidates

NOTE #1: In-Person Only. the Convention is currently scheduled as an in-person event.  There will be no PROXY or absentee voting.

NOTE #2: Get your signatures. Bring your candidate and County Committee petitions and slogan forms.  You may get your slogan forms signed by the Chairwoman and your petitions notarized. 

NOTE # 3: Doors open at 1:30.  Only volunteers will be allowed in prior to 1:30. Per Parliamentarian's letter, check-in will be closed after the Secretary has given the Delegate report at the beginning of the meeting.  Only those that have check-in will be allowed to vote. 

NOTE #4: Volunteers. If you are able to volunteer with set-up, please email Dorothy: [email protected]

NOTE #5: Parking. Parking space is limited. You may be required to park a distance away or on surrounding streets.

NOTE #6: Visitors. Non-voting visitors will be allowed in after all delegates have checked in, space permitting, and may be standing room only. 



Will you come?